Company Profile

COREPLA is a non-profit organisation that brings together packaging companies. Although it is a private consortium, COREPLAā€™s purpose is in the public interest. It aims to meet the recycling and recovery targets for plastic packaging set by European Union legislation, so that businesses, governments and citizens may take joint responsibility in these efforts.

COREPLA: National Consortium for the Collection and Recycling of Plastic Packages was established in November, 1997 in accordance with law decree 22/97, taking over from the former Replastic Consortium, which only dealt with liquid containers, in accordance to the European legislation 94/62 concerning packing material and waste from packages in different material.

The Consortium is now regulated by Law Decree 152/06. COREPLA is part of the “CONAI System” (National Packaging Consortium) and is a no-profit private system with a social character, financed by:

  • the Environmental Contribution CONAI concerning packaging on the national market, (produced in Italy or imported, both empty and full) defined and managed by the companies through the same CONAI, therefore it is not subject to the public tax system;
  • proceeds from sales of waste after recycling.

In 2023 it had 2,456 member companies, belonging to the entire life-cycle of plastic packaging (for B and C categories participation is entirely voluntary):

  • Category A: companies producing plastic material for the production of packaging;
  • Category B: companies producing plastic packaging;
  • Category C: companies using plastic packaging;
  • Category D: companies that recycle or recover plastic packaging waste after use.

It operates according to principles of efficacy, efficiency and cheapness in order to conform to law and achieve the recycling objectives concerning all types of plastic packaging on the market:

  • sustaining Municipalities in the development of plastic packaging recycling services and grant them economical compensation to cover the main costs sustained in implementing these services, according to a national agreement established between CONAI and ANCI (National Association of Italian Municipalities);
  • guaranteeing recycling start-up of material collected and taking charge of all the necessary preliminary work in order to make it technically feasible and economically sustainable, as well as implementing the energy recovery of the share of collected packages not suitable for the recycling market;
  • providing companies that use plastic packaging not managed by the public collection service platforms their free inserting into appropriate receptacles and correct recovery process, moreover with exclusively subsidiary functions in respect to the market;
  • making citizens, institutions and companies aware of the best plastic packaging management: pointing them towards a sustainable use and ecodesign in order to avoid waste, communicating the qualitative-quantitative increase in recyclable materials, research to develop industrial and recycling market opportunities and applications of recycled plastic.

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